Donate to the Diaper Bank of Greater Cleveland
How Does the Diaper Bank of Greater Cleveland Use Donations?
We've Got Connections!
As a member of the National Diaper Bank Network, we have access to purchase diapers in bulk at a much lower price than any where on the market. Your financial contribution allows us to put more diapers in the hands of Cleveland Moms and Dads in-need.
The Process:
How Your Donation Helps Keep Babies Dry, Healthy, & Happy!
Diaper & Cash Donations
Diapers are donated from local businesses, churches, families, individuals, community groups, and more all to help Cleveland babies.
While diaper donations go a long way, our connection with the National Diaper Bank Network gives us the lowest price on diapers available.
Volunteers Wrap Diaper Bundles
At the heart of our nonprofit are our amazing volunteers who sort, count, and wrap our diaper bundles. assemble the packs of diapers that are distributed into the community.
Distribute Through Social Service Agencies
Families in need register for diapers with local social service agencies whom have partnered with our diaper bank. Once a month, each registered child receives free diaper to keep their children dry, happy, and healthy.
Did You Know?
At a rate of six diapers per day per child, diaper-wearing children in poverty in the United States require more than 5.8 billion diapers annually to keep them clean, dry, and healthy.
That means we need more help than ever! Donate diapers or make a financial donation online to help us fight diaper need here in the Cleveland.
Interested In Making A Difference?
Volunteer At The Diaper Bank Of Greater Cleveland
Help sort, count, and wrap diaper bundles being distributed through local social service agencies. We need all the help we can get so sign-up today!