Diaper Bank Frequently Asked Questions

Diaper Bank FAQ

  • 1 out of every 3 families throughout Cuyahoga County are experiencing diaper need.
  • Disposable diapers can cost $70 to $80 per month per baby.
  • Most all childcare centers require parents to provide a day’s supply of disposable diapers.
  • There is currently no government funding of diaper need.
  • Infants living in households that are experiencing diaper need are often more susceptible to abuse.
  • Lack of diapers may result in diapers being left on an infant for too long, which leads to rashes and infection.

Diaper Bank of Greater Cleveland Programs

Diapers Assistance – The diaper assistance program works collaboratively with local organizations to provide free diapers and education to the most vulnerable families, experiencing hardships in Cuyahoga County and surrounding areas.


Navigation & Support – Our navigation and support program offer support to expectant mothers that are in need of diapers and additional services. expectant moms will receive navigational support, education, and free diapers.  The services that we provide help to alleviate some of the stressors that expectant low-income families are faced with, while connecting them to resources that helps to reduce the risk factors of Infant and maternal mortality.


Our FlowComing Soon! A program of the Diaper Bank of Greater Cleveland. 1 in 4 women struggle to purchase period supplies. As a response to the need, Our Flow was created. Our Flow exist to provide free feminine hygiene products and menstrual health education to our most vulnerable families in need, while raising community awareness of the basic health need for access to feminine hygiene products.


How you can support: We are now accepting donations of feminine hygiene supplies. Donations may be dropped off Monday – Thursday from 9 – 5pm. You may also support by making a financial donation.